Termite Treatment
Termites are considered the most destructive insects that a property can encounter. It can destroy your biggest investment which is your home. We need to protect your home before they invade us. We offer Traditional Termite Treatment and Exterra Baiting System in controlling your termite infestation.
- Traditional Termite Treatment
- Exterra Baiting Treatment
Traditional Termite Treatment can be used as both control method and preventive approach for termite infestation. We use non-repellant termiticide as they are effective in eliminating the entire termite colony and environmental friendly as well. The following procedures are done to effectively control and prevent termite infestation.
Soil Barrier Treatment
Soil Barrier Treatment will require us to drill on concrete flooring and trench on soil perimeter of the entire property. Then we will apply or inject the liquid solution to the soil which will create a protective zone from termite infestation. This protective zone in the soil will kill any termites which will enter the protective area.
Wood Protection Treatment
Wood Protection will require us to treat all wood which are considered as high potential termite food. This treatment is done by applying the liquid solution to expose or unpainted wood surface. The wood will then absorb the liquid solution and the solution will be able to protect the wood from further termite infestation.
Baiting Granules Treatment
Baiting Granule is an added layer of protection in your property. We usually place the bait in places we cannot spray (e.x. electric outlet, electric switches etc.) and also on other frequently infested area by termites.
Exterra Baiting Treatment is the latest technology in termites baiting treatment. It is the the safest and environmentally friendly way to eliminate termites. Exterra Baiting System uses eco-friendly Requiem powder termite bait containing less than ¼ of a gram of an active ingredient – an ingredient which itself is less toxic than table salt! Rather than problematic chemicals sprayed in your garden or inefficient chemical trenches dug around your home, EXTERRA uses Requiem Termite Bait in a closed and locked station, ensuring it is kept securely away from your family, household pets and other animals. Lured by natural wooden interceptors – a termites’ preferred food source - the termites take the bait back to their nest, and the colony is eliminated.
We are one of the few pest control company in the Philippines who is a certified Exterra Baiting Applicator. Our technicians went thru rigorous trainings and seminars on understanding this new technology and how to properly apply it.
Termite Inspection
Before we start with Exterra Baiting Treatment, we need to make sure what type of termite you have. Some type of termites might take a long time before it is controlled with Exterra Baiting Treatment and we do not recommend this treatment for this type of termites. We will also assess what type of station your need during the inspection.
Installation of Bait station
EXTERRA have different bait station, In- Ground, in- concrete and above ground bait station. We will install necessary bait station depending on your need and on the structure of the facility. This bait stations will either contain termite wood attractant or Requiem Termite Bait.
Termite Monitoring
Termite monitoring is the most important part of Exterra Baiting Treatment. We will regularly monitor the bait stations and make necessary adjustment if needed. Refilling of bait station and assessment of the feeding pattern of termites in the bait station is critical in knowing when is the appropriate next schedule of refill as treatment using Exterra Baiting System needs minimal disturbance with the feeding termites. Once the termite colony is eradicated, we will conduct continues monitoring of your home as new termite colony might enter your houses.